Friday, March 23, 2007

Flylady up to day 12-15

I'm still doing good. Sink is still shining and I'm trying to keep up the decluttering although I'm a little behind on that because of work and other things. Jodie was sick on Wednesday and it looks like Jada is sick today. Hopefully no one else gets this little bug...

As a review:
day 12- Delete all e-mails I have saved up from the Flylady. Easy for me, I delete them after I read.
day 13- Do one of Kelly's missions. Every day she has a specific mission to be completed. Obviously I have to read it and do it. So far I have read it, maybe today I'll get to do one!
day 14- Do what I've been doing
day 15- Make bed every day in the morning from now on. Shouldn't be too hard. Just get up and make it. :)

Yesterday Jake made a comment about the sink always being clean. Yeah!!! I'm trying to do this right and not get too ahead of myself but it looks like it's working and before long I'll have a clean house all the time without making myself crazy.

Back to work!--


Monday, March 19, 2007

Flylady day 9, 10, 11

Wow, what a weekend. My parents are here and that was a pretty good visit although I have to say I was ready for them to go home!! They do help keep the kitchen clean and they always do laundry but for some reason whenever the leave the house seems more cluttered than ever. There are also little annoyances I tend to have with my mother, but I won't go into that right now :)

Flylady...Going good! Slowed down over the busy weekend (Jake's first baseball game of the season) but I still did okay. The sink is shining so I did pretty good!

Day 9- 2 minute hot spot.

Day 10- Add a 5 minute room rescue and 15 minutes of decluttering. I haven't done the decluttering thing yet but I think I'm going to do the file cabinet, it needs it BAD!

Day 11 (today)- Write in the control journal an "inspirational page." With things like I can do it! and so forth.

Ok, back to work. I want to get as much done so I can get some $$$ to fix up this house! :)


Friday, March 16, 2007

Flylady day 7 and 8

Things are going good so far. My mom and dad are here for a visit and that's going fine. One thing the Flylady says is not to be a perfectionist. You don't have to have things perfect all the time. It will drive you crazy and you won't be able to get everything done. It can hinder you at times. I find that is true. Before my parents came I didn't have much time to sweep and mop. Usually that is a big deal around here. We move all the chairs and high chairs into the other room along with the trash can and sweep everything up. This may mean sweeping it a couple times to make sure we get everything. Then you mop and put everything back. It is tedious and takes time and I like to get it looking perfect. (for 5 minutes until something is spilled on it AGAIN!) Instead of doing that I swept real quick. I did a good job, but I probably didn't pick up everything as I didn't move the chairs all out of the way. I then did a fast mop by spraying Mr Clean and then mopping the floor with a wet mop. This took all of 5 minutes. It looked good too. Wow, even though it wasnt "perfect" it worked. My dad even said, hmmm, the floor looks real good. :) :) It's starting to work already!!

Day 7 was a day to add to my list of "to do" things. Before bed I pick out my clothes for the next day. Easy enough, and it eliminates me having to think in the morning. I like that.

Day 8 I have to get out a foulder and put paper in it. This is the beginning of my control journal. Actually I'm cheating a bit because my mom is helping me get a Fly Lady control journal. :) I'm excited about that. That's it for now!!

Ohh, ohh, today I did a 2 minute hot spot clean up. My whole desk is cluttered, bad. What good is 2 minutes? Well- I got one whole side of the desk cleaned up! I know it sounds silly, but even with that little part cleared out, I already feel better. Just one step closer to that wonderful feeling of having a truly clean house. :)


Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Fly Lady day 5 and 6

Yesterday was day 5. It was to recognize the negative voices when you hear them and changing the words to be nice to you. Then she wanted me to write them down. I can find myself having the attitude that I can't have a clean house and nothing will ever change. I wrote down that yes I will have a clean house and yes I can do it. Wow, this kind of seems silly, but I'll give it a go- especially if it makes my life a little easier!

Today is day 6. Now we are getting started with the "good" stuff. Today we learn about hot spots. A hot spot is a place where things tend to get built up. Mine is my kitchen counter, desk, beside my bed, file cabinet, fireplace mantle,, I have a LOT of hot spots!! I am supposed to take a timer and set it for 2 minutes and just pick up. When the timer goes off then stop. You would be suprised how much clutter you can clear out in just 2 minutes. Now throughou the day us Flybabies get many many e-mails. One e-mail is a reminder about your hot spots and tell you to take 2 or 5 minutes and get them cleared out. Wow, after a couple times clearing they will be clutter free. Then keeping it up every day- I can see how such a small trivial thing can lead to a more organized home.



Monday, March 12, 2007

Fly Lady Day 3 and 4

Ok, I'm not mad any more and I **might** have been overreacting a little bit. It was a stressful day and I did get the building cleaned out with the help from my darling son and no thanks to the big humungous carpenter bees. They scare the crap out of me even though they don't sting. They are really intimidating. The were seriously ganging up on me and trying to buzz me out of almost worked.

Fly lady- Yesterday was day 3. The instructions were to just do what I have been doing, that is keeping the sink shiny and getting dressed all the way first thing in the morning. I did that, pretty much...I didn't get a shower until later, but it was lazy Sunday so it's ok.

Today is day 4. The instructions are to do everything I have been doing and to put a post-it note on my mirror and above my sink as little reminders to keep it up. So far it's going good. Although DH is making fun of me because I want the sink dry at all times now. To him it's just a sink and they get wet. I understand that, but it can be dried out after you use it right?

My goal is to go all the way through the 31 steps of Flylady and get this house in order. I want to do this without telling DH what I'm doing and it make enough of a difference that he says something on his own about how nice the house is looking. We'll see!


Saturday, March 10, 2007

Fly Lady Day 2

Well, yesterday went good. I shined my sink and now I find that I'm anal about keeping it dry and shiny ;)

Day 2 - We'll see how this goes- hopefully good because I want my house to be nice and clean and stress free...Yeah right-

I deleted this post because it was kind of mean towards my dear husband. :)


Friday, March 9, 2007

Fly Lady Day 1, take 2!

Well it didn't even work out yesterday. I gut busy with work and didn't get to start the whole shining the sink process until 9:30. I was tired and to shine the sink properly you have to fill the sink with hot water and bleach and let it set for an hour. Needless to say, the sink did NOT get shined last night! So, I'm doing day 1 today and the sink is soaking as I type.

Ok, I have to get to work now as in about 2 hours my niece will be coming to play. Jada and Jodie should have fun with that. She's spending the night and it's their first little sleepover :) I'm thinking tents and sleeping bags downstairs...I have a feeling we are going to be tired tomorrow!! No problem though, this is what having kids is all about ;)

Thursday, March 8, 2007

Fly Lady Day 1

Ok, ok, I said I was going to be better about writing in my blog..:) I'll do better I promise.

So in the quest of getting my house more organized I decided to try Flylady again. It has never worked before because I would try to do all the steps at one time and get too overwhelmed. Well, I'm going to follow the "rules" this time and see how far it gets me. There are 31 baby steps so I guess today will be the first day for me. Step 1 on I'm not sure if I'm supposed to list the actual step so anyone can reference it directly. Seems like a little thing..but I'm going to do it.

Here's to the first day and first baby step to organization for my house!
